What is this Abdominal or Pelvic Pain about?

Abdominal woes: So, maybe you’ve been having strange abdominal pains that don’t seem to be getting better no matter what you try. You went to the doctor and he told you that you probably have IBS or you need more fiber. It’s such a strange pain, sometimes it’s pretty severe and you can’t tell if it’s something you have eaten. Sometimes you are bloated after eating, or you feel nauseated; your belly feels tense and tight. You try changing your diet, eliminating certain foods, nothing seems to be working, not even that Hyoscyamine your doctor prescribed.

Many of our patients tell us how frustrated they are with this situation and are tired of people not understanding why they don’t want to go out to restaurants or parties or even travel because they are afraid they might be doubled over in pain at the end of the night or end up in the hospital.

Does this sound like you?

Pelvic issues: Maybe your issue is a little more south. You feel pressure or pain in the bladder, the rectum, uterus. Maybe it’s not pain per se, it’s just a strange sensation. You just haven’t felt the same since the birth of your child, your C-section, your hysterectomy. You might leak a little urine when you jump, cough or sneeze, or you are running to the bathroom all day long or in the middle of the night. You may not be as interested in being intimate with your partner, you may have lost some sensation or feel like your body just doesn’t feel like it did before a specific event or trauma. You don’t feel comfortable talking to your friends or your partner about it. But when it comes to sexuality, you’re feeling like you’ve lost a part of yourself. Your friends all tell you it’s a normal part of being a woman, having children or if you are a man, it’s just a part of aging. Quite frankly, this is all just a little too depressing and it’s really hard to deal with so you just resigned yourself to living this way.

Low Back/Hip Area: Another area we commonly hear about is the low back and sacroiliac region and or the tail bone. Do you feel tailbone pain when sitting, or a pressure in the perineum or the hip joint or groin? Does your SI joint often “go out” of place? Do you see your chiropractor weekly to adjust this area? Do you notice is that it  sometimes happens in conjunction with your menstrual cycle? You might have abdominal or pelvic pain too. Is this familiar?

Well, you are not alone!

WE HEAR THIS KIND OF STUFF… ALL THE TIME! There are lots of reasons why you may be having these kinds of issues, we’ve written a special report about one of the causes that you may not have considered.

Because we are experts in treating folks holistically, we realize that your pain could be generated from the spine/ compressed nerves, the wiring in your brain, trigger points in muscles, the organs themselves, dietary sensitivities, toxins, and something else that we’ve written about in our Free Report.

Download it and find out if it makes sense to you, you have nothing to lose.

If any of these have happened to you – we would love to help you by inviting you to book a call to talk with one of our P.T.s to find out what can be done to help you.

The fact that you’ve tried any or all of these things, means that we know what doesn’t work – which means we are closer to finding what DOES.

Click the link below to book a call with us if you would like to get some solid advice:


Making the decision to get the right kind of help is the best thing you can do.
We are trained experts in biomechanics and can determine the root cause of your abdominal, pelvic, hip and back pain.
You might even be surprised to find that this problem could be coming from somewhere you never even considered.
Because we look at your entire body, we’ll be able to figure this out for you and help you finally get out of this cycle of pain and discomfort.

Listen as Cherie tells us how our treatment was her “Hail Mary”, she had tried everything before seeing us. She got help with her digestive issues and a bonus she never expected.

Get Your Free Guide to Abdominal, Pelvic, and Back Pain Here

Align PT