The Sound Lounge

Align PT in Longmont is proud to be the first facility in Boulder County to offer the inHarmony Vibroacoustic Sound Lounge!

Our inHarmony Vibroacoustic Sound Lounge is the ultimate soothing experience that will transport you into a fully immersive meditative state like you’ve never felt before.

You’ll hear and feel vibrations through headphones and the tactile transducers that are built into the Sound Lounge itself. Your brain puts you inside the music for a fully immersive sound experience.

Healing FrequenciesThe frequencies of the music and vibration have a significant impact on the body and the mind. It takes about 22 minutes for the chemical cascades to be triggered and the therapeutic power to be felt. Frequencies can be used to induce different brainwave states rapidly, the effects can last for days.

This technology can be used to both activate and stimulate, or calm and relax. The benefits are endless.

*Reduce stress & anxietybecome more present in your day to day life.

*Improve sleep & mood – so you’ll wake up refreshed and ready to go.

*Relieve chronic muscle tension & chronic pain – a great solution for post-workout soreness or recurring injury.

*Increase focus & mental clarity – finally lose the distractions, clear your mind and become more aligned with your true self.

Every cell in your body will tingle with the magic of this technology. Many clients have reported feeling a sense that they are floating in the air. 

You can sign up for a session and also view the menu choices for your session by clicking the buttons below.

The Cocoon Experience

Our BrainTap Headset brings a whole new dimension to the Sound Lounge experience by adding the restorative power of light frequency therapy.

In addition to the vibroacoustic effect, the BrainTap Headset delivers gentle light pulses that travel through the ear meridians and the retina. This sends direct signals to the brain, guiding you into extraordinary brain states that would otherwise take years of disciplined effort to achieve. 

BrainTap is able to create and hold a consistent and measurable brainwave state similar to a meditation master, even for people who have never meditated before. This helps you Lose Your Distracted Mind.

I didn’t want it to be over!”

Shorter sessions can absolutely make a big difference in the state of your nervous system, especially if you have regular sessions. Once our clients have a taste of the Sound Lounge or Cocoon Experience, they quickly realize that the longer sessions are where they experience the deepest transformation. Longer sessions allow them more time to let go of stress and invite a sense of total surrender.

Vibroacoustic Therapy for Specific Ailments

Vibroacoustic Therapy, while it may seem new has been around for over 40 years. It’s becoming more popular as of late and has an increasing amount of scientific research behind it for a multitude of health conditions.

While our Sound Lounge and Cocoon Experiences are powerful in and of themselves, they are meant for generalized health benefits. Having customized, research-based therapeutic sessions with Jef, our Certified Vibroacoustic Therapist is highly recommended if you want to address specific conditions.

Align PT